Medicine Balls Rev Up Your Fitness: 20-Minute Medicine Ball HIIT Workout for Strength and Endurance

Medicine Balls Rev Up Your Fitness: 20-Minute Medicine Ball HIIT Workout for Strength and Endurance


  • What's up everyone, welcome back to another video on Jason Toyota! Today, we're taking you all through a 20-minute Medicine Ball HIIT workout. This is going to be a great workout to build strength and get that heart rate up."


  • "For this workout specifically, we'll be using slam balls. For reference, I'll be using a 10-pound and a 6-pound slam ball, and a 15-pound slam ball."

Workout Format:

  • "Alright, for the workout format: super simple. We'll take you through 10 exercises with two different variations of those exercises, for a total of 20. We'll be doing 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest throughout the entire workout."


  • "If you need modifications, I'll be taking you through them today. If you're ready, we'll start with a quick warm-up and then get right into it. Let's get it!"

Workout Conclusion:

  • "Alright everybody, that was a 20-minute Medicine Ball HIIT workout. I don’t think it's any question that we got in a good pump and a good sweat—hopefully, you did too!"


  • "This is a great workout that you can do often throughout the week. It's a great way to switch things up, especially if you're used to dumbbell, barbell, or kettlebell workouts. Mixing it up keeps your routine fresh!"

Call to Action:

  • "If you enjoyed this Medicine Ball workout, make sure to give it eight thumbs up! We appreciate all your support. Also, check out some of the other Medicine Ball workouts on the channel."

Further Engagement:

  • "If you want more content from Juice and Toya or you're ready to take your fitness to the next level, make sure you check out that One Body LA membership and the Juice and Toya app. We'll link both of those in the description for you. Just hit the link, and it’ll take you right to where you need to be."


  • "Thank you for joining us today. We hope you enjoyed this workout and we’ll see you at the next one!"

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